Monday, October 14, 2013

My take on it. [Possibly a little blunt]

 "Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you presist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted. From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness- only wounds and welts and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with olive oil." 
-Isaiah 1:5-6

  • "Why should you be beaten anymore?" -Why do you keep beating either yourself or allowing something to constantly beat you.
  •  "Why do you persist in rebellion?" -Why do you keep going through the same thing...why do you keep persisting through something that is not good?
  • "Your whole head is injured, your whole heart is afflicted. From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness- only wounds and welts and open sores..." -Your heart is suffering and you're still not healed, instead you have wounds and open sores. Open sores that you haven't given it time to heal, that you keep going through something and never take the time to stop and let God heal your head/heart.
  • "...not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with olive oil."- That you've been going through something over and over again because the open sores are not healed, they are not cleaned or bandaged. You keep walking, getting beat up and bruised and you never stop and take a moment to sooth your wounds with *olive oil. 

*In my study bible, olive oil is said to be used to treat wounds and prevent disease from traveling. If you don't cleanse your wounds then it eventually travels to other parts.
Reading this passage you can relate it to so many different life situations, but the one thing that I relate it to the most, especially being a girl, is of course with relationships. Sometimes getting out of a relationship leaves you beat up and wounded emotionally and us girls try to brush it off, act like we're good and try to sometimes find another guy. But how do you expect to find your dream guy when you haven't healed and taken care or your wounds? If you continue to walk on these wounds/broken heart, you never fully get healed, you only open up the sores even more causing disease to travel (more heartache). Take a moment to grab the olive oil, God, and allow him to mend your broken heart, bandage the wounds.  

-Question- Are you walking on wounds? Have you taken the time to stop and let God heal you? Wether it be your heart or mind, are you ignoring it, causing it to get worse and getting constantly beaten? 
If you are, stop. Grab some olive oil [God] and allow him to take care of the wounds, welts and open sores.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Breast Cancer Month

September's Ovarian Cancer month is officially over and October is now here with breast cancer awareness month. Something I love seeing is pink everywhere, especially when I watch Sunday football and the NFL players/coaches are all wearing pink! 

So, in honor of breast cancer awareness month I have a couple of pink things I want to share with you.
I recently purchased this pink and black study bible. I have regular bibles but one thing I do not have and I feel like everyone should have if you're looking to read more in depth is a study bible. A study bible gives explanations and history on certain things in the bible that help you understand something specific a little more. It's so helpful on those readings you don't quiet understand, you're able to flip right there and have it explain what something means. 
[I bought the NIV version because that's the translation I find fits my reading style more.] 
Then we have my nails. The other day was my cousins bachelorette party so in honor of the girls night AND breast cancer month I decided to go with a soft baby pink with some glitter. 
And the polish's I used were not expensive. Wet n Wild usually runs around $2 and the Milani polish  was on sale for $2. 
Keep an eye out for brands that raise support for breast cancer, here are a few places:

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hello fall!

So yesterday, I tried a dirty chi from Starbucks. Can I please tell everyone to go try it!? Omg was it amazing! 
I wanted some sort of caffeine but wasn't entirely in a mood for something like a white chocolate mocha or caramel macchiato, and I was craving a chi tea but knew it didn't have a whole lot of caffeine. [I'm difficult I know.] So I was explaining this to the patient brista and she simply said, "Just get a dirty chi." I gave her a crazy look and then she explained it to me. It's regular chi tea WITH a shot of expresso. I know! Amazing! I can always count on Starbucks to fix my coffee problems! Thanks Starbs :)
{oldie of a picture but forgot to take a picture of my drink :( }

Someone is very ready for fall. Cannot get over my baby cat's cuteness! :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful first day of October!